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App Museum of Modern Art

The product: 

Designed a user-friendly mobile application and website for museum ticket booking, tailored to families, students, tourists, and art enthusiasts, ensuring seamless navigation, detailed exhibition information, and easy online booking capabilities.

Project duration: 

July 2024 – August 2024

The image depicts several smartphones placed diagonally against a light pink background, each displaying different screens from a "Museum of Modern Art" app. The screens showcase various design elements, such as login forms, event banners, museum collections, and artwork previews. The overall aesthetic is sleek and modern, emphasizing user-friendly navigation with clean typography and visuals that align with a contemporary art theme. The design layout across the devices presents consistency and clear visual hierarchy for an intuitive user experience.
The image shows a smartphone with a screen displaying the "Museum of Modern Art" app. The user interface welcomes the user, "Hello, Anna!", and showcases an upcoming exhibition titled "Urban Rhythms: The Modern Cityscape." The design features a large banner with the museum's logo, a prominent "purchase a ticket" button in blue, and a clean layout with easy navigation at the bottom for different sections of the app, such as Home, Events, and Profile. The overall design is minimalistic and modern, with an emphasis on user accessibility and intuitive ticket purchasing.

Project overview

The problem: 

The current process of discovering and booking museum visits is often cumbersome and fragmented, lacking a centralized platform that offers seamless navigation, comprehensive exhibition information, and easy online ticketing options tailored to diverse user needs.

The goal: 

To create a unified and user-friendly platform for discovering, booking, and managing museum visits, offering comprehensive exhibition details, personalized recommendations, and seamless ticketing to enhance the cultural experience for diverse user groups including families, students, tourists, and art enthusiasts.

My role: 

As the lead designer and project manager, I conducted market research, defined user personas, created user flows, and designed the UI/UX. 


Conducted market research, defined user personas, created user flows, designed the UI/UX, managed project timelines, and ensured the platform met user needs for seamless navigation and efficient booking.

User research: summary

For our museum ticket booking platform, we used both qualitative and quantitative methods. Online surveys for families, students, and tourists provided broad insights. In-depth interviews and focus groups explored specific experiences and expectations.

We initially assumed users faced booking complexity and unreliable exhibition information. Research confirmed these issues and revealed the importance of personalized recommendations, student discounts, and multi-language support, helping us refine our platform to meet diverse user needs.

The image shows two individuals standing in a modern art gallery, looking at a large, colorful abstract painting mounted on a white wall. The artwork features a mix of bold red, blue, and black colors, and incorporates various abstract shapes and figures. The visitors are closely observing the piece, emphasizing a quiet, contemplative atmosphere typical in art museums. The gallery space is minimalistic with a clean and open design, drawing focus to the artwork.

User research: pain points

Complex Booking Processes

Our design will prioritize a streamlined booking flow to ensure users can book tickets quickly and efficiently.

Lack of Reliable Information

The platform will feature accurate, updated information about exhibitions and events to help users make informed decisions.

Limited Access to Discounts

We will integrate clear information about available discounts, highlighting offers prominently to ensure easy access for users.

Language Barriers

The platform will support multiple languages, making it easier for non-native speakers to access information and book tickets.


User journey map

Paper wireframes

The image shows three hand-drawn wireframes of mobile app screens for a museum app.

The first screen includes a logo, a section labeled "museum," and a button at the bottom.
The second screen shows an "Event" section, followed by a description and another button.
The third screen displays multiple events or exhibits in a grid format, with a navigation bar below.
These sketches outline a basic structure for the app, focusing on simplicity and ease of navigation.

Digital wireframes

The image shows three digital wireframes of a mobile app for a museum. Each screen presents different functionalities:

First screen: Displays the Museum of Modern Art with an option to purchase tickets and a clear layout of the event details.
Second screen: A participant selection screen where users can add or select people.
Third screen: A payment selection interface, allowing users to choose a payment method.
These wireframes demonstrate a structured and user-friendly design flow for purchasing tickets and completing transactions within the app.

Low-fidelity prototype

This prototype is crucial for initial usability testing and gathering feedback on the overall user experience before moving on to high-fidelity designs

The image shows a complex user flow diagram for a mobile app. Multiple screens are connected by arrows, representing the navigation paths and interactions between various app features. Each screen appears to be a wireframe showcasing different functionalities such as login, event booking, and payment processing. The diagram outlines a clear progression through the app's interface, helping visualize the user journey and how different elements interact to provide a seamless experience.

Usability study: findings

Findings from the first study helped guide the designs from wireframes to mockups.

The second study used a high-fidelity prototype and revealed what aspects of the mockups needed refining.

Round 1 findings

The feature displaying detailed information about exhibitions was straightforward and well-accepted by users.

Some users had problems navigating through the app as they couldn't find specific sections easily.

Round 2 findings

Users expressed the need for more options to personalize their experience, such as saving favorite exhibitions and setting reminders for upcoming events.

These findings will be instrumental in refining the app to ensure a more intuitive and user-friendly experience.

The image shows a smartphone screen displaying the logo of the "Museum of Modern Art." The logo features a stylized triangular design with modernist colors and shapes, accompanied by bold text below that reads "Museum of Modern Art." The design is simple and minimalistic, creating a strong and recognizable visual identity for the museum app.
The image displays a smartphone screen with the "Museum of Modern Art" logo at the top, set against a soft pink background. Below the logo is a welcome message inviting the user to "Get started with your account." Two blue buttons are present: one for logging in and another for signing up. The design is clean and minimalistic, with a strong focus on easy navigation and user interaction through the prominent buttons.


Users frequently interact with the home page, so prominent call-to-action buttons were added for direct ticket purchasing, enhancing the user experience and improving readability.

Notifications were added to keep users informed about upcoming exhibitions, events, and special offers, enhancing their overall experience.

High-fidelity prototype

A high-fidelity prototype is a detailed, interactive model that closely mimics the final product, used for user testing and refining the design.

Mobile app mockups displaying different screens for a Museum of Modern Art. The screens include options for the museum's homepage, exhibition details, events, and more. The design uses a clean, minimalist style with white backgrounds and colorful images, focusing on providing a user-friendly experience.

Accessibility considerations

Used high color contrast between text and background to improve readability for users with visual impairments.

Designed forms with clear labels and instructions, ensuring they are easily navigable and assistive technology-friendly.

Regularly updated designs based on feedback from users with disabilities to enhance accessibility continuously.



The design improvements for the museum ticket booking app have been well-received, with users noting an enhanced overall experience. One user commented, "The app’s intuitive interface and useful features make it essential for frequent museum visitors."

What I learned:

​I learned the value of user research in identifying customer needs and iterating designs based on feedback to create a functional and user-friendly app.

Next steps

Conduct additional usability testing to refine features based on user interactions, ensuring enhanced satisfaction.

Implement and test multilingual support to cater to a broader audience.

Integrate loyalty programs and personalized recommendations to boost user engagement and retention.

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